Disinformation And the Fight Against the Scourge of Terrorism in Somalia
There is a concerted disinformation campaign directed at leaders and senior officials of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS). It’s a coordinated, multi-purpose scheme, involving both internal actors motivated by ambition, opportunism or fear and external forces driven by strategic interests and geopolitical designs. The main aim now is to distract attention away from or undermine the war against extremists.
Somalia is waging a total war of liberation against an insidious and invasive enemy. Never before have the violent extremists faced the wrath and might of the Somali army and civilian defense units on multiple fronts and with singular determination. For the first time in more than a decade, the Somali government and people may be on the cusp of eliminating an existential threat that stalked the nation and perpetrated unimaginable terror, carnage and economic ruin.
Defeating the scourge of terrorism is a fight for the soul and survival of the nation. Every citizen may not be able to go to the front or help in other ways. Some may even have differences and disagreements with the FGS or some specific office or public official on issues relating to the on-going war or any other matter. And the Government ought to listen to voices of reason and find time to address legitimate concerns.
However, for God and country don’t stand in the way or do anything that could even remotely be perceived as aiding and abetting the enemy. Particularly, refrain from any action or reaction that could help the extremists exploit and weaponize in the form of disinformation and deceitful propaganda. Strong unity among Somalis will discourage or expose foreign entities involved in or aspiring to cash in on the corrosive and toxic enterprise of terrorism. The FGS also needs to build or enhance its capability in the field of counter espionage.
Beware the party of subversion, desecration and contamination. Remain undeceived. Somalia will prevail, God willing.
H. Keynan
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