UN Track-record in Somalia: A legacy of missed opportunities and malign incompetence
Hassan Keynan
into existence by the carnage of World War Two, the United Nations System has
been informed by lofty ideals, beautiful mandates, and noble missions aimed at
promoting international peace and security. Over the past seven decades its size,
mandate and operations have been considerably expanded. Peace-keeping,
sustainable development, and climate change have become some of the key
priorities highlighted and underscored in the UN’s current programs and funds.
noble ideals and enlightened visions have remained what they have always been, glorious
abstractions. The task of transforming beautiful mandates into concrete results
has proven much harder. There have been areas in which the UN has done
commendable job. But overall the performance of the UN has fallen short of expectations.
There are many reasons for this, including a number of structural flaws deeply
rooted in the design and business model of the UN as well as a culture of
opportunism, arrogance, and impunity displayed by some of the top leadership
and senior management of the Organization. These deficiencies have been cynically exploited to build
and sustain lucrative careers for a small, well-connected international
expatriate class.
However, for the hundreds of millions of
people and myriad nations whose peace and futures have been rudely and
recklessly wrecked, the mercurial behavior and duplicitous actions of the
self-serving lords of misery have been calamitous. Evidence of the litany of missed
opportunities, costly blunders, catastrophic failures, criminal negligence, and
ruinous legacies left behind by UN or UN-led missions across the globe can be
seen in great, and at times graphic, details in countries like Bosnia, Rwanda,
Cambodia, East Timor, Haiti, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of
Congo, and ,of course, Somalia. In Bosnia and Rwanda, the dangerous
dispositions of top UN leaders and associated partners had contributed to the
genocides that were perpetrated in the two countries, i.e. the slaughter of
8000 young boys and men in Bosnia and about a million overwhelmingly Tutsi
civilians. The level of obfuscation, indecision, and tragic errors of judgement
displayed by the top UN leadership in Rwanda had become a dark stain on its
integrity and reputation.
Failed UN Missions in Somalia:
The UN’s association with Somalia is one
unequaled and probably unsurpassed in its longevity, malign incompetence, utter
wastefulness, corrosive corruption, stubborn and self-serving persistence in
wrong-doing, and near total impunity. It is a well-known and well-documented
fact that the UN’s fiasco in Somalia in the early 1990s had been a key and
heavily consequential factor in the catastrophic role it had played in the
Rwandan genocide. Below are highlights of some of the UN’s myriad and
inherently flawed interventions in Somalia.
1945 - 1954 Following the defeat of Fascist Italy,
the geopolitical equation in the Horn of Africa was thrown into confusion with
Eritrea, Italian Somaliland and the Ogaden being up for grabs, and the
situation in British Somaliland and Ethiopia facing an uncertain future. The
fate of the Horn countries was placed in the hands of the victorious powers -
the US, what was the Soviet Union France and the Britain - and the then infant
United Nations. The UN messed up the process of managing the disposal former Italian
colonies of Eritrea and Southern Somalia. The protracted conflicts that have
blighted and bankrupted the countries of the region for nearly half a century
can be largely attributed to the manner in which the future of former Italian
colonies had been handled. And a big junk of the blame could be directed, quite
rightly, at the UN.
The Trusteeship period (1950-1960): Between 1950 and 1960 Italian
Somaliland was placed under a UN trusteeship regime with Italy as administering
authority, a process in which the US was heavily involved. The fate of Somalia
even featured in the 1948 US presidential election, mainly because one of the
candidates supported Italy's campaign to return to Somalia to woo the Italian vote.
The experiment, which was essentially an international project in
nation-building, turned out to be an ill-conceived and costly experiment. The
UN Trusteeship Administration even failed to perform one of its basic duties:
demarcation of the borders of Italian Somalia, especially the long border
between Southern Somalia and Ethiopia. This border still remains a provisional
and heavily contested one, and has been a principal source of conflict between
Ethiopia and Somalia. The UN also bungled the process that led to the
unification of the British Protectorate of Somaliland and the Trusteeship Territory
(former Italian Somaliland) it presided over. This dereliction of duty on the
part of the UN in the late 1950s, the disintegration and eventual collapse of
Somali state in 1991, and the subsequent re-emergence of Somaliland as an independent
state are inseparably linked.
UNOSOM I & II (1992-1993): The United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM
I & II) was initially envisaged and deployed as a mission of peace and
mercy, with abundant goodwill and a groundswell of support from the international
community led by the sole global super power. But it soon metamorphosed into something
bigger and more sinister, leading to a precipitous change of mandate under
Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Within a matter of two years, things fell apart.
The international consensus and cooperation that established and sustained
UNOSOM collapsed. During the following decades, Somalia had plunged into a
suspended dystopian state, earning it the notorious but well-deserved
reputation of being the first and most enduring failed state.
UNSOM (2013-present): The UN returned to Somalia in 2013
under the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). This time
around it has come back with a pang, a bigger profile, and a bolder mandate.
UNSOM coincided with the birth of the first internationally recognized Somali
Government in over two decades, a new and potentially hopeful development
brokered and backed by the US and UK. The mandate of UNSOM encompasses a wide and immensely
diverse range of functions, including “provision of policy advice on
peace-building and state-building, development of a federal system, constitutional
review, democratization, and coordination of international donor support.” To
implement this mandate, the UN appointed high-profile, career diplomats (British
2, South African 1, American 1) to serve as Special Representatives of the Secretary-General for
Somalia (SRSG) and Heads of UNSOM, and deployed 22 UN agencies. More
importantly, UNSOM together with its partner, AMISOM, received and consumed billions
of dollars.
However, after six years and nearly over
ten billion dollars, UNSOM has gone the way of its predecessors: making huge
promises, consuming billions of dollars, and delivering little. Peace-building
and state-building efforts stagnated and, in some places, regressed. The Provisional
Constitution seems to be frozen, even fossilized, in a permanent state of incompletion,
although millions of dollars have been mobilized and spent to fix it. The development
of the federal system has hit a snag, mainly because the Mogadishu-based
Federal Government has been vehemently opposed to it, and has done everything
in its power to undermine the federalist project. And UNSOM whose mandate
includes support for the implementation of the federal system seems unable or
unwilling to commit itself to fulfilling one of the strategic goals of its
mission and work plan in Somalia. The long-standing issue of Somaliland
remains unresolved, even seemingly unresolvable. Puntland seems to be
dancing on the horns of a terrible dilemma: to be or not to be part of Somalia.
Southwest’s prospect for consolidating its credentials as a fully
developed federal member state has been arrogantly and violently shattered by
Mogadishu. And when the SRSG, Mr. Nicholas Haysom, tried to intervene and hold
Mogadishu accountable, he was threatened and declared persona non grata. Concerned
for the safety of his representative, the UN Secretary-General was forced to
take Mr. Haysom back. HirShabelle has been reduced to a vassal entity
perpetually beholden to and at the mercy of its tormentors in Villa Somalia. The
State of Galmudug has been subjected to a protracted and nasty campaign of destabilization
and perversion, causing the infant and fragile regional government to
disintegrate and ultimately collapse. Presently, Galmudug is without a leader, without
a parliament, without a government, and without peace.
Wrecking the Peace and Stability in Jubbaland
The UN seems to be on course to preside
over its latest and arguably most reckless act of incompetence yet in its long
and tortuous tenure in Somalia: wrecking the hard-won peace and stability of
the last standing federal member state, Jubbaland, and in the process contributing
to the dismantling of the constitutionally mandated federal system of
government. And the current SRSG, Mr. James Swan, stands accused of actively
assisting Villa Somalia’s brazen attempts to meddle in the parliamentary and
presidential elections in Jubbaland. Villa Somalia’s intention is clear: to reduce
Jubbaland to the messy state of affairs currently prevailing in Southwest and
Galmudug, the former a vassal state the latter a hollowed headless, rudderless and
conflict-ridden administration.
What is not clear is what has prompted
Mr. Swan to allow himself to be caught up in the serious and potentially calamitous
developments currently unfolding in Jubbaland. James Swan, was appointed on 30
May 2019. He has been in office for less than three months. He is a highly
experienced diplomat with a long international career, including a number of
postings in Africa. Between 2006 and 2008 he worked in the US Government as
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Africa. So, what has gone wrong? Is
there substance into the serious offences he stands accused of?
To be fair to the new SRSG, the tensions
between the Federal Government and Federal Member States (FMS) have existed
long before Mr. Swan began his work in Somalia. However, there are credible
indications that the newly installed SRSG, has jumped into the complex and
messy Somali political landscape with little preparation and plenty of
arrogance and self-serving opportunism. And in the case of Jubbaland, Mr. Swan
has displayed a great deal of ignorance and incompetence laced with a heavy and
intoxicating dose of duplicity and hypocrisy. The following points explain why the
Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, Mr. James Swan, has
indeed committed the serious offences he stands accused of.
1. Failure to uphold the cardinal principles of
neutrality and consensus that define and underpin the UN. The series of
letters Mr. Swan wrote, in quick and hasty succession, to the Jubbaland
Independent Boundaries and Electoral Commission (JIBEC) in mid-August bear
testimony to Mr. Swan’s provocative and undiplomatic transgressions. His letter
of 17 August 2019 was particularly over the top and uncalled for. He blatantly
misrepresented and distorted the facts and events pertaining to the elections
underway in Jubbaland. What is more, Mr. Swan issued what appeared to be an
imperial directive threatening that the international community would not
recognize the outcome of the elections in Jubbaland. JIBEC’s Chairman acted
more maturely and more constructively, and was absolutely right in demanding,
in his letter of 18 August, that Mr. Swan apologize to the people of Jubbaland.
Mr. Swan’s letter was drafted and dispatched, with astonishing haste, on
Saturday and under dubious circumstances. He has not consulted all relevant
stakeholders on whose behalf he claimed to speak. This has prompted the
Government of Kenya, a key AMISOM stakeholder, to strongly object to the contents
of Mr. Swan’s 17 August letter, and to demand its immediate withdrawal.
2. Preoccupation with the fate of his predecessor, Mr.
Nicholas Haysom, who was declared persona non grata and expelled from the
country by President Farmaajo. Mr. Haysom’s sin was that he called for
accountability following Villa Somalia’s unconstitutional and violent
intervention in the elections in the Southwest. Mr. Swan seems to have put his
career before principle and duty. Fear of being expelled seems to paralyze him
and condition his actions and behavior.
3. Collusion with Villa Somalia’s deeply partisan and
immensely destabilizing stance as well as the hidden agenda harbored by certain
regional actors with vested strategic interests in Somalia. Mr. Swan has
allegedly become a partisan ally of President Farmaajo and his backers.
4. Failure to fully understand the history,
geography, and demography of Jubbaland. Jubbaland has a lot in common with
other Federal Member States. At the same time, it has specific particularities
that are peculiar to it.
5. Failure to appropriately supervise and monitor
the role and activities of UN agencies in Somalia. There are reports of some UN
projects and programs being used as a political weapon by the Federal
Government to put pressure on and marginalize Federal Member States seen or
labelled as enemies of Villa Somalia. In the case of Jubbaland there is
evidence of such practice involving specific UN agencies and their Federal
counterparts. Incompetence and the scourge of corruption are also evident in
the work of many UN agencies in Somalia.
6. Failure to assess and report the sinister role played
by Qatar and its corrosive and destructive impact on peace-building and
state-building efforts underway in Somalia under the leadership of UNSOM.
7. Failure to adequately understand and properly
assess the complex and messy geopolitical equation in the Horn of Africa, specially
the perennial Somali conundrum that lies at the heart of the region. Mr. Swan came
to Somalia awfully under-prepared.
8. Failure to understand and learn lessons from
the missed opportunities and malign incompetence that characterized almost all
previous UN interventions in Somalia during the past seven decades.
In his capacity as the SRSG and Head of
UNSOM, Mr. James Swan wields a great deal of power and influence. He also has the authority to exercise them in
the service of peace and meaningful reconciliation in Somalia in accordance
with the UN principles and the terms of his employment. Unfortunately, Mr. Swan
seems to have acted and behaved in a manner that violates the UN’s fundamental
principles and established protocols. His letters to the JIBEC contained
exaggerated accounts combined with unsubstantiated allegations and blatant misrepresentations
that have become a propaganda and recruiting bonanza for the purveyors of
conflict and extremism and their associated networks of dissolution, including
Al-Shabab. And the ugly demons unleashed by Mr. Swan are already at work,
wrecking the fragile and hard-won peace and stability in Jubbaland. He has
betrayed the UN, the international community, and, most importantly, the
vulnerable and traumatized people of Somalia. He ought to be personally held
accountable for the consequences of his actions and transgressions.
Prof. Hassan Keynan is
a retired senior UN official who worked in South Asia, Africa and Europe
Well written and very informative Article. There is no doubt that the political climate of Somalia is complex, but being non-partisan in this case is a way to go.....Thanks Ptofessor Hassan Abdi Keynan