Citizen Abdikarim Sheikh Muse #Qalbidhagax has arguably been the undisputed 2018 Somali Person of the Year. 2007-2017 the TPLF were after him for a decade but could not get their bloodstained hands on him. He was a commander of the ONLF who the TPLF feared most. 28 August 2017 the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) kidnapped citizen Qalbidhagax from a hotel and handed him over to the TPLF thugs in an egregious extraordinary rendition that infuriated all decent and patriotic Somalis. 6 September 2017 the Council of Minister we herded into an urgent meeting by the Prime Minister and in a matter of hours charged citizen Qalbidhagax with fabricated crimes, stripped him of his nationality, robbed him of his dignity and humanity, and violated his God-given inalienable rights and freedoms. The tragic spectacle of the then Minister of Information reading out, loudly and awkwardly, the murderous lies and slander authored by the shameful Ministers has become...